FAQs At Chestermere Dental, we are asked many dental FAQs (frequently asked questions) during a regular day. Here are the answers to most of the typical ones we receive. If you have a frequently asked question (dental FAQs) that are not answered below, do not hesitate to call us at (403) 263-8512 or use our handy contact form to email us .
Chestermere Dental Care FAQs
Q) Are you open evenings?
A) Yes, we are open Tuesday till 8:00 pm!
Q) Are you open on Weekends?
A) Yes, we are open on Saturdays by appointment only.
Q) Do you accept Credit Cards or Debit Cards?
A) Yes, we are happy to accept Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard or Amercian Express.
Q) Can you bill my insurance Directly?
A) Yes! At Chestermere Dental, we provide this as a service to our patients. Our computer systems connect with your insurer and submit a claim on your behalf. But please remember that the actual amount you will receive from your insurance company is based on your coverage provided by them. What this means is that our patient is ultimately responsible for settling our invoices for the services we have provided to you.
Q) Do you provide Children’s Dentistry?
A) Absolutely! We are a true general practice and welcome patients of all ages. Our goal is to create a safe, friendly environment for your children and to partner with you and your children as a team to help maintain their teeth.
Q) Do You Provide Cosmetic Dentistry?
A) Yes, we do provide Cosmetic Dentistry. However, the dentists at Chestermere Dental Care are not cosmetic dental specialists. They are general dentists who provide cosmetic dental procedures as part of their general dentists license. Cosmetic Dentistry (Restorative Dentistry) is not a term or specialty that is recognized by the Alberta Dental Association & College (ADA&C).